Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sunday this'n'that

It's been a busy few days in the Money Tree House hold. Time for a bit of an update.

Friday I headed into the city for my specialist appointment. She was pleased to see that I am still doing relatively well. She agreed to let me stay status quo for now. We will know by the end of September if being back to work (busyness and stress) will affect me or not.  I will have to have another colonoscopy in November. Since this one will be done in the city I am going to have to stay in a hotel near the hospital. No driving far with that special prep drink inside you :-)

I gave myself $40 for the trip into the city. I used $16.50 to top up my tank. $3 went to the parking at the hospital. I felt like celebrating my good news ( the status quo, not the future poke and prod aka colonoscopy) so I treated myself to a $5.99 hardcover in the discount part of Indigo books. It is called the Postmistress and is set in WW2. Haven't started it yet.  Since I was in and out of the hospital so quickly I was making good time. I was debating going straight home or stopping for lunch. There is a DQ in the city that is only open in the summer and only serves ice cream things not the food part. I hadn't been there in years and it just felt right. I stopped for a cone instead of lunch and headed to a park a couple blocks away to just sit and relax and enjoy the moment. I don't do that quite enough I think. So  my day into the city cost me just under $30

DS2 is home from his canoe trip. I was anxious as he is out of contact for the whole time and, well, he's only 15 and a mother worries. He had a great time. Altogether in the 6 days they canoed and portaged 128 miles. This was through lakes, rivers, marshy area and rapids. They tented on the shores at night. It rained part of one day, and during one night while they were up there so that wasn't too bad. One of the leaders of this group, who is 22 now, did this trip when he was 15. That year, they came across a family who had hit the rapids badly, lost their canoe and were floundering on rocks in the middle of the river. That scout group rescued the family and ended up receiving medals of honour.

DS1 is at a pick up tourney for hockey up north this weekend. He is having a blast. First time he's been on skates since April and he was beyond excited to go. It's a fun tourney, co-ed, all ages. They played a tough team yesterday. They lost, but not by too much. I have never seen DS lose so happily before.  You see, on this team was none other than Stanley Cup 2012 LA Kings, Dwight King, and his brother, Washington Capitols, DJ King. DS skated by Dwight then went over to his dad and whispered 'holy cow he's big!!"  For a hockey kid to play against an NHL'er is a pretty big deal in their world :-). I wanted to get a picture of them together but no one else is doing that and DS said "please don't be THAT mom, mom"

I am enjoying my last weekend before school starts. Really am appreciating all the little moments.

Happy Sunday all


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