Saturday, June 30, 2012

DealBook Online

REMAINS OF THE BAILOUT The Federal Reserve Bank of New York announced on Thursday that it had been paid back for loans used to support the government bailouts of Bear Stearns and the American International Group. Even so, vestiges of the sweeping taxpayer support of 2008 remain. The New York Fed said two entities that held securities once owned by Bear Stearns and A.I.G. still hold assets that need to be sold. MICHAEL J. de la MERCED


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The Frequency of Black Swan Events

How frequent are Black Swan Events (defined as monthly declines of 20 percent or more) in financial markets? The answer to the question is important for investors who want to perform a cost-benefit analysis on the Black Swan Exchange-Traded Funds that were launched by Horizons ETFs recently. The cost side of the equation is clear: [...]

The Frequency of Black Swan Events is brought to you by Canadian Capitalist -- Helping you to invest & prosper.


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Roots and Shoots

BILL MOYERS JOURNAL looks at Roots and Shoots, a global environmental and humanitarian youth program of The Jane Goodall Institute.


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Finances through the Sick Mind

  If there ever was a Western phenomena, eating disorders would top the list.  In what other culture would stick figures be celebrated as beautiful?  In what other culture would there be communities (never mind that they’re mostly online) of individuals encouraging each other in their pride of being Ana (anorexic) or Mia (bulimia)  Yet [...]


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Buying the Bench?

A Bill Moyers essay.


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Plug-In Electric Station

We American are at present living with the prospect of paying more than $5 a Gallon for gas. It has turned our mode of life upside down.
We at house are working to bring to life, the old joy of driving, by paying 40 cents a gallon of gas. It will be a pleasure going [...]


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American Dream

Bill Moyers gives a preview of next week's show and asks for participation in the Deepening the American Dream Project.


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Sunday Catch up

It's been an eventful week. Not a lot of huge things, but many many little things.

First off, this colitis is kicking my ass. My health sucks. The colitis itself is still not regulated. The side effects of the meds are strong - joint pain like nobody's business. I can barely walk or bend my knees sometimes. The final side effect is the absolute exhaustion. I talked to the specialist this week and she said this is mostly due to my body working so hard to try to fight this for the last 6 months. Between the physical problems and the changing of the meds and the dehydration, I'm just tired. I am a very very lucky girl. My admin is giving me a couple days each week to stay at home and rest. I still have to prepare for the sub teacher, but the days off will hopefully give me time to get my health balance back. I truly do realize how fortunate I am to be given this time. I didn't want to take full leave and abandon my babies for two months.

I have now completed my second week of WW. I am doing it at home, with my old materials. My first goal is to lose the 20 lbs I gained on the steroids. Then I can continue on the 'normal' weight loss journey. I thought long and hard about signing up again, either for meetings or for WW online. Both of course, cost $ and I would be forced to work with the new Points Plus program, which I haven't really had any success with. I figured there was no point wasting money right now on a program that I didn't have success with, when I have all the tools needed for the old program at home, for free. The catch is, will I stick with it. So far so good. I have lost 10 of the 20 steroid pounds in my 2 weeks and I really really want to have success with this. My mantra, this time, is quite blunt. Lose weight or die. Yup, that's where it is for me right now.

DS2 got his learner's licence this week so mother is back in the passenger seat teaching another child to drive. I don't know if my nerves can handle it. I thought DS1 was bad when we first started but oh lordy, DS2 needs a LOT of work. Good thing we have the summer coming soon so we can practice. His learner's cost me $25 for the year. He won't be eligible to take his driver's until April of next year when he turns 16.

My brother in law's brother passed away this week. A very quick heart attack. I didn't know him terribly well but seeing the sadness in my brother in law's soul, is hard. It was a reminder that life is very very fragile, and quite finite.

Our local MS walk was today. There were 20 of my family there walking for the cause. My parents didn't walk, nor did my sister. I wasn't able to and I hated that I was too weak and sore to walk. I have simply GOT to get better.


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Joe Nocera

JOURNAL guest host Deborah Amos sits down with NEW YORK TIMES business columnist Joe Nocera to discuss what we learned about the bailout this week and to weigh whether or not it's working.


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The Key to Low-Cost Solar Cells

While thin film technologies are receiving worldwide attention with their potential to lower the cost of solar energy, there are researchers who are thinking outside the box and are looking into different approaches that will result in cost reductions for photovoltaic technologies.
One of those approaches comes with the collaboration of the Department of Engineering [...]


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Proposed Banking Regulations Would Drive Gold Prices Higher

Proposals from BIS, OCC and FDIC Would Reclassify Gold as a Tier 1 Asset There are many, many, many, many reasons why gold prices should go higher, despite claims that gold is in a bubble … and despite the fact … Continue reading

Proposed Banking Regulations Would Drive Gold Prices Higher was originally published on Washington's Blog


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Friday, June 29, 2012

The New and Even Worse ObamaCare

Yuval Levin, National Review
The political case for repealing Obamacare, which has always been the most significant and relevant case, is stronger than ever after today’s decision. Left alone, the law will spend well over a trillion dollars in the coming decade on yet another health-care entitlement program and on the expansion of existing entitlements, micromanage the insurance industry in ways likely to make it even less efficient, employ even heavier price controls of the sort that have always failed in Medicare, and raise half a trillion dollars in taxes on employment, investment, and medical research. And...


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Sam Tanenhaus

Digging deep into the roots and evolution of the American conservative movement, Sam Tanenhaus talks with Bill Moyers about why he believes that conservatism is dead and how it might yet come back to life. Tanenhaus is the editor of both THE NEW YORK TIMES BOOK REVIEW and the Week in Review section of the TIMES.


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Read the Internal Document that Contradicts BP’s Claims on Oil Flow

Sasha Chavkin

See the internal BP document. Rep. Ed Markey has been among BP's toughest critics in Congress following the Deepwater Horizon blowout, accusing it, among other things, of lowballing its estimates of oil flow.

On Sunday, Markey was at it again. As you may have read, the Boston Democrat released an internal BP document that shows that early company estimates for worst-case oil flow scenarios were far higher than the company has ever acknowledged -- up to 100,000 barrels per day if all containment mechanisms were to fail. Take a look at the document for yourself.

The document is not dated, but a statement from Rep. Markey that accompanied its release said that BP's oil flow estimate at the time the document was made available to Congress was 5,000 barrels per day, and its worst-case scenario was 60,000 barrels per day, figures the company provided for much of the month of May.

The 100,000-barrels-per-day scenario contrasts sharply with the company’s public pronouncements at the time.

“I think those estimates of 70,000, with due respect to the experts, don't match the many, many experts and scientists that are involved in this in a unified way," Bob Dudley, BP’s managing director and the newly anointed chief of the company’s spill response, said on MSNBC on May 14. "It's not just a BP estimate ... 70,000 feels like a little exaggeration, a little scare-mongering."


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Short-Term Stock Support Still In Picture

Update: The Treasury ETF, TLT, has traded 3.6M shares today. A typical day sees 9.1M shares change hands. The desire to migrate toward “safe” assets is not strong today.
It is too early to buy. It is also too early to give the bearish case the nod. Possible support exists on [...]


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WEB EXCLUSIVE: Moyers on Choice

A Bill Moyers Essay.


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Computer scientist John Chapin on software radios


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JPMorgan may tip Wall Street’s hand on ploys to beat Volcker

The Volcker Rule, part of the Dodd-Frank U.S. financial regulatory overhaul, is meant to prevent risky trading by big banks, which have resisted the measure.


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America's Policy on Bombing.

On the heels of the American drone attacks on suspected terrorist compounds in Pakistan, Bill Moyers Journal takes a closer look at America's history of and current policy on bombing, explores the ethics behind these assaults when civilians become the victims and asks: Does bombing work? Bill Moyers sits down with historian Marilyn Young, author of the forthcoming Bombing Civilians: A Twentieth Century History and former Pentagon official Pierre Sprey, who developed military planes and helped found the military reform movement.


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What Your Next Move Should Be, Part II

Investment Planning

As discussed in a previous article posted in March, obtaining the perfect portfolio is the holy grail of financial strategies.  However, it is also an enigma that can be difficult to obtain.  As we previously illustrated, each person's particular situation brings with it different goals and suggestions.  

We have a compiled a few scenarios, just as we did last month.  But this time, we're focusing on older investors, ones either approaching retirement or already past it.

Scenario #1:  55-year-old single parent with no children currently in college

With retirement only ten years away, it is important that you create a financial portfolio that will last at least thirty years, if not longer.  According to many financial experts, it is a good idea to focus on creating saefty for what you have accumulated as well as creating opportunity for growth. One fact to keep in mind, however, is that the government is planning to increase interest rates in 2014. 

Scenario #2:  65-year-old single person in great health

If this describes you, consider yourself blessed.  As we grow older, our bodies begin to show quite a bit of wear and tear, and being healthy can seem like an enigma even more so than having the perfect portfolio.  In this scenario, there's a good chance that you can put off your retirement.  In addition to the added health benefits that continuing to work can afford you, a delay in applying for Social Security benefits will mean larger monthly payments.  Each year that you don't retire past your full retirement age, your payments will increase by 8%.  This increase will continue until you're 70, so if you're in good health and can delay your retirement, it's a great strategy to employ. 

Scenario #3:  57-year-old couple with no children currently in college
If you have no children in college, this affords you the luxury of concentrating on your own finances.  No need to keep a sizable amount of cash around.  Instead, put that money to work in growth-oriented strategies.  Doing so can provide you with a strong, long-term strategy.  Above all, just make sure you're maintaining a sense of balance.

Scenario #4:  75-year-old widow or widower
Part of the strategy to be utilized in this scenario depends on whether you or your late spouse had a company pension.  If so, in all likelihood, you should have a solid financial structure, especially once Social Security checks are included in the calculations.  If this is the case, you'll have some extra funds that you can use to invest in a variety of financial products.  If there is no company pension, you may want to consider consulting with a financial expert who can help guide you.  Regardless, you should plan for the next 10 or 20 years.  Pay attention to the current trends.

To get a personalized plan that meets your retirement goals, schedule your free, no-obligation appointment.


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Tips That Will Help You Live a Better Life

Today we are not going to talk about ways to make more money or ways to save more money. We are not going to think about budgets or how to buy more for less. Sometimes it is good to take a break from thinking about money, whether or not we have a lot of money, or too little money. Today we are going to talk about the simple things that each of us can do each and everyday to live a better life and be happy.

live a better life

Tips to Live a Better Life

1. Never laugh at anyone's dreams.

2. Don't judge people by their relatives.

3. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

4. When you realize you've made a mistake take immediate steps to correct it.

5. Give people more than they expect, and do it cheerfully.

6. Memorize your favourite poem.

7. Don't believe all that you hear, spend all you have, or sleep all you want.

8. When you say "I love you" mean it.

9. When you say "I'm sorry" look the person in the eye.

10. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

11. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt, but it's the only way to live life completely.

12. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

13. Talk slowly but think quickly.

14. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?".

15. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

16. Say "Bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

17. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

18. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; Responsibility for all your actions.

19. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older their conversational skills will be as important as any others.

20. Never interrupt when you are being flattered.

21. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.

22. Read more books and watch less TV.

23. In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

24. Mind your own business.

25. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck.

26. Once a year go someplace you have never been.

27. Learn the rules, then break some.

28. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

29. Do all you can to creat a tranquil, harmonious home.

30. Remember that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.



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The Karl Marx MasterCard Is Here. It Needs A Tagline.

A German bank recently launched a Karl Marx credit card. Help us come up with a tagline for the card.


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What City and County Bankruptcies Mean for the Muni-Bond Market

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First came Central Falls, R.I., which filed for bankruptcy Monday. Then the headliner talk this week that Jefferson County in Alabama could end up filing the country's largest municipal bankruptcy when it meets Aug. 12. All together, there have been five municipal bankruptcies this year.

Municipal-bond markets remain a relative safe haven for investors. Yesterday, after the stock market took its worst nosedive since the depths of the financial crisis, investors flooded into municipal bonds.

But municipal bankruptcies have the potential to rattle the municipal-bond market in several ways. Investors may be prone to worry about a contagion effect from municipal bonds that are in hot water, casting doubt on the financial soundness of surrounding cities, counties or state. A default also translates into higher costs throughout the market, even though investors do still get paid.

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"It is important to remember that only four to six make headlines, but 45,000 others are doing OK," Lynnette Kelly Hotchkiss, executive director of the Municipal Securities Regulation Board, tells DailyFinance. "Remember that every issuer is unique and needs to be analyzed on its own merit."

The board runs a muni-bond website, called EMMA, which allows investors to search for pricing information for bond trades, as well as official disclosures about material events that could impact bond prices. It's the only resource that makes the same information that retail investors use available to mom-and-pop investors.

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

What’s New Around The Blogosphere: June 15th, 2012

I just finished putting our 3-year old daughter down for a nap when I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the couch next to my wife, who is fast asleep after being up for over 48 hours.  I started typing this post with one hand – my other hand is cradling our newborn baby...


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John Roberts Changes His Legacy

Bob Shrum, The Daily Beast
My friend Laurence Tribe, the nation's leading constitutional scholar who once had a student named John Roberts in his Harvard Law School class, had predicted the outcome.In the face of the overwhelming consensus that the Supreme Court would strike down the individual mandate at the heart of health reform, Tribe has repeatedly said the issue was clear and the Court did not even need to reach the question of whether the mandate was a proper exercise of Congressional power over interstate commerce. Tribe said to me as late as yesterday that the Affordable Care Act offered people a choice:...


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Dems in Tough Races Seek Distance from Obama

John Bresnahan, Politico
The glare of the White House race is forcing vulnerable Democrats to choose between their president and their political future.As many as two dozen Democrats may vote Thursday to hold Barack Obama's attorney general in contempt of Congress. Democratic lawmakers and candidates for Congress are bailing in droves on the national convention in Charlotte, a three-day gathering that's supposed to be a celebration of Obama and a unifying moment for the party. Steve Israel, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is flatly telling candidates not to go to Charlotte...


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Verizon to Ditch Most Phone Plans for Multi-Device Deals

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verizon phone plansBy PETER SVENSSON

Verizon Wireless, the nation's largest cellphone company, is dropping nearly all of its phone plans in favor of pricing schemes that encourage consumers to connect their non-phone devices, like tablets and PCs, to Verizon's (VZ) network.

The new plans will become available on June 28, and reflect Verizon's desire to keep growing now that nearly every American already has a phone. The plans let families and other subscribers share a monthly data allowance over up to 10 devices.

It's the biggest revamp in wireless pricing in years, and one that's likely to be copied by other carriers. AT&T (T) has already said that it's looking at introducing shared-data plans soon.

Change, across the industry, was inevitable. In the first quarter of this year, phone companies, for the first time, reported a drop in the number of phones on contract-based plans, which are the most lucrative. To keep service revenues rising, the phone companies are betting on increased data usage, and that means getting more data-hungry devices on their networks.

Verizon's new "Share Everything" plans, announced Tuesday, include unlimited phone calls and texting, and will start at $90 per month for one smartphone and 1 gigabyte of data. If used only with a smartphone, "Share Everything" prices are lower than for current plans with unlimited calling and texting, but higher than plans with limited calling and texting.

The plans will push many subscribers toward spending more, by including unlimited calling and texting by default. Unlimited calling plans provide peace of mind, but not many people need them, and the average number of minutes used is declining.

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From the carrier's perspective, providing unlimited access is an efficient use of its network, because calling and texting take up very little capacity. Data usage, on the other hand, consumes a lot of network resources.

The savings will come to subscribers who add more devices like tablets to their plans. In such cases, the new pricing system will be cheaper compared with separate data plans for each device. Today, few consumers put tablets on data plans, probably because they dread paying an extra $30 or so per month, on top of their phone bills.

Under "Share Everything," adding a tablet to a plan will cost $10 per month. Adding a USB data stick for a laptop will cost $20.

Verizon's limited-calling and texting plans will disappear, except for one $40-per-month plan intended for "dumb" phones. Verizon is keeping its limited-data plans for single non-phone devices, like the $30 tablet plan.

Current Verizon customers will be able to switch to the new plans or keep their old ones, with one exception. Those who have unlimited-data plans for their smartphones won't be able to move those to new phones, unless they pay the full, unsubsidized price for those phones. (For example, an iPhone 4S that costs $200 with a two-year contract costs $650 unsubsidized, with no contract.)

Verizon stopped signing people up for unlimited-data plans last summer. The industry as a whole is moving away from the plans, since the data capacity of their networks is limited.

Under the new plans, subscribers can stop worrying about monitoring the number of calling minutes or text messages their families use in a month, but they'll have to keep a close eye on data consumption. Verizon will allow subscribers to adjust their data allowance from month to month, but if they go over their monthly allotment, that will cost $15 per gigabyte.

The data allowances start at $50 per month for 1 gigabyte. That's enough for prudent two-smartphone users who use WiFi a lot, but Verizon recommends getting 2 gigabytes for $60. After that, each additional 2 gigabytes cost an extra $10 per month.

Under "Share Everything," Verizon will stop charging extra for letting devices act as "mobile WiFi hotspots." That means subscribers who have a recent smartphone could use it to connect a tablet to the Internet, without paying the extra $10 per month for a tablet.

Verizon had telegraphed the move toward shared plans, but had not revealed the details or pricing.

Verizon Wireless has 93 million subscribers on its plans. It's a joint venture of New York-based phone company Verizon Communications and Vodafone Group (VOD), a British cellphone company with wide international interests.

Verizon shares rose 2 cents to $42.58 in morning trading. The shares are close to a four-year high of $42.95.

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Mark Danner

Barack Obama was elected on a message of change, promising a new era of diplomacy and international cooperation – but can the President deliver a new vision of America? Reporting from the world's most troubled hotspots, Mark Danner has seen countless deaths over ethnic and political divides, and witnessed firsthand how U.S. attempts to exploit those conflicts have resulted in disastrous unforeseen consequences. Danner speaks with Bill Moyers about Obama's challenges in resetting the mindset of America from war to peace, and redefining the US as a nation. Danner was a staff writer for many years at The New Yorker, contributes frequently to the New York Review of Books, the New York Times Magazine, and his latest book is Stripping Bare the Body, which chronicles the moral history of American power over the last quarter century.


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Supreme Court's Immigration Reality Check


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Seven reasons I’m glad Apple’s killing the Dock Connector

Ding-Dong! Apple’s wicked 30-pin Dock Connector is dead!


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Biofuels: The Next Generation

Scientists and researchers say renewable forms of energy can help give America a new energy future that is cleaner, improves national security, strengthens the economy and contributes positively to the quality of life for all. Contributing to the urgency of developing this new energy future is the prediction from the Energy Information Agency that U.S. [...]


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Los Angeles Labor

Bill Moyers Journal analyzes the growing inequality gap on the ground in Los Angeles where recently union workers marched to bring attention to how they are getting squeezed out of the shrinking middle class.


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CPI Drops in May 2012 in Canada? WTH?!?

Friday Stats Canada put out some interesting numbers for their Consumer Price Index report for May (and the year ending in May). It was a big drop (well a drop in the rate of increase, so it’s kind of confusing), but it only rose 1.2% (year over year ending in May) and that is due [...]

CPI Drops in May 2012 in Canada? WTH?!? is a post from: Canadian Personal Finance Blog and follow me on twitter as well: Big Cajun Man, daily updates from all over the Blogosphere. Subscribe to my comments feed as well!

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It Was Time to Take a Break

too much time online

I Took a Break

Dear Friends,

So last week I abruptly took a break from anything that had to do with anything online such as posting on my blog, commenting on other blogs, tweeting, and interacting with my online circle of friends.

While I did occasionally check email due to some other business that I was trying to sort out, my decision to escape the online world for a week was sudden and quick, and it was simply based on the fact that I felt burnt out and I had developed writers block. My life was completely out of balance and I didn’t know what to do next.

Spending Way Too Much Time Online

I was spending so much time writing posts and interacting with so many very supportive and fun friends online that I had begun neglecting other areas of my life. And by that I just mean simple things, like enjoying the sunshine, getting things done around the house, baking and making good meals, and just simply enjoying life.

Why? Because I loved building this new network of friends and learning about so many different people. I didn’t want to miss what everyone else was up to. I feel inspired by all the wonderful things that all of you write about and it helps me discover new options and new ways of doing things.

The second reason I was spending so much time online was because I am an analytical person that is driven by stats and accomplishments. I wanted to do the best that I could do in the quickest amount of time in regards to building my new blog.


You see so many times in my life I have started something and quit before really accomplishing anything at all. I would lose my focus, lose my desire, lose my momentum, and nothing would get done.

Does that happen to any of you?

This blog was meant to be different. I vowed that when I started this blog (only 4 months ago) that I would work hard on it. To me that meant publishing 3 to 4 posts a week (sometimes more), building a friendly following, networking, and connecting with wonderful people online, and increasing my stats on a daily basis.  

A Typical Day

A typical day for me consisted of posting, approving comments, replying to comments when I could, commenting on 40 other blogs, and tweeting from sunrise to dinner time, and writing for other blogs so that I could earn money.

Some days I would even write all of my posts for the following week.

Is it Easy

When I started this blog did I think that it was going to be easy? Not at all.

Did I think that I would eventually burn out, and\or develop writers block? Absolutely, at some point.

But isn’t that just a fact of life?

Writers Block

Some of the most famous writers in the world develop writers block at some point in their lives. And heck I am nowhere near ever becoming a famous writer. I don’t want to be.

I am just someone who in 2004 began dreaming about developing a website that one day might become something.

My dream was to create a website for women and fill it with all kinds of resources that they would find helpful. So many websites just like that have been created over the years. None of them mine. Then all of the mompreneur sites popped up and again became very popular. Since I’m not a mom creating a site like that was never on my radar.

Money and Debt

So there it was, January 2012 and I still felt the desire to have my own site. But what would it be about?

Then I thought why not build a blog around money and debt? Money and debt is a huge issue in my life and I know it is for so many other people.

But as I began to write a few personal posts about these issues in my life I began feeling quite vulnerable and immediately began worrying about how people would react to what I wrote. “Would so and so think less of me because I am in debt and they aren’t?”

What happened next? I stepped back into my comfort zone. From that point forward my posts were still about things that I really enjoy, but in general terms. Nothing that made me feel vulnerable and nothing that really helped me with my debt issue.

Where Do I Go From Here?

Honestly, at this point I am not even sure what my next steps are. I am not sure what I will write about, how much time I can devote to my online activities on an on-going basis, and of course, how to deal with money and debt. Two things I do know is that I am not going to quit blogging, and I am going to work on restoring some sort of balance in my daily life.

To My Circle of Friends

But to you my friends I want to say how happy I am to get to know each and everyone of you. Each week one of you introduces me to someone new and wonderful. Some of you live quite far away and some of you only live a few hours away, but nonetheless, online we are all so close. Thank you for supporting me, checking up on me, and motivating me. I will do my best to provide you with the same!

Before you leave quickly check out this cartoon about spending too much time online. Let me know if you can relate?



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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Next Blog

You can find my next blog at

I'm taking a hiatus from blogging for about a month. But I will be focusing on innovation and growth.

(If there's any problem with getting to the blog, let me know)


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Women Taking the Wheel

Women in RetirementMany women have not realized that now is the time to take control of your finances.  For too long, a great number of you have relied on men, be it a husband or whatnot, to control your finances and help you plan for retirement.  And the truth is, this line of thinking continues to this day.

Now is the time to put a stop to all that.  Now is the time you take the wheel.  Now is the time to realize that a successful retirement may very well hinge on your own ability to prepare.  Let's take a look at a few facts that every woman should be aware of.
Fact #1:  A longer life expectancy can have a huge effect on your retirement.
If you are a married woman, there is a good chance that your husband is older than you.  In many cases, your husband may be several years older.  More than a decade of difference isn't all that uncommon.  Because of this, there is a good chance that when your husband passes away, he will do so several years ahead of you.  This can mean a great deal to your retirement, as you will need to prepare for the long haul without your husband's guidance.  In many cases, a widow will see her standard of living go down without proper planning.
The same goes for a single woman.  The average lifespan is now close to 85, and you may find yourself living many years beyond that.  While this is clearly a good thing, you must prepare for at least 30 years of retirement, just to be on the safe side.
Fact #2:  A little knowledge can go a long way.
You can't beat a little education to help you get through life.  When it comes to retirement planning, this is especially true.  Whether or not you've been following your husband's lead and allowing him to control all of your finances or allowing a professional to handle things for you, it's time you educated yourself.  Take the time to learn as much as you can about the financial products contained in your retirement portfolio.  Ask questions.  Maybe even take a few basic classes to help you understand anything you might be having trouble with.  Finances can often be a bit difficult to understand for anyone, so never hesitate to educate yourself and stay informed.
Fact #3:  Surveys back up the consensus.
If you follow the numerous financial surveys that are conducted each year, you'll find that retirement planning is a huge issue for women right now.  One of these was conducted by the Society of Actuaries.  Here are some facts that this survey unveiled, and they're not exactly encouraging:
-- Only 8% of female retirees are planning for the long haul, which can translate to a twenty year gap in finances.  In turn, this gap translates to a large number of women who simply aren't prepared for their extended life expectancy without the benefit of a spouse.
-- For men over the age of 85, a total of 45% of them are widowed.  For women, the number is nearly doubled at 85%.  That number may be staggering, but it simply reinforces the need for a woman to know how to handle her finances into her later years.
-- 20% of men at age 65 are expected to need professional care for a number of years after their retirement.  For women, the number is 30%.  While this isn't a huge difference, it's large enough to be concerned.


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What's Wrong at CNN

Dylan Byers, Politico
In April, as Republicans were throwing their weight behind Mitt Romney and the lengthy, combative presidential primary process was drawing to a close, CNN's senior vice president and Washington bureau chief Sam Feist presented his staff with a "CNN Half-time Election Report."The four-minute video, shown at the quarterly staff meeting, was a highlight reel of CNN debates, primary night coverage, and interviews interspersed with laudatory reviews. CNN, the video reminded its staff, had hosted more debates than any other network and landed some of the most significant...


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Health Care Reform

Washington's abuzz about health care, but why isn't a single-payer plan an option on the table? Public Citizen's Dr. Sidney Wolfe and Physicians for a National Health Program's Dr. David Himmelstein on the political and logistical feasibility of health care reform.


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Inside the DFA Global Balanced Fund

Long-time readers will know that I’ve written before about Dimensional Fund Advisors, an innovative investment firm that builds low-cost, widely diversified funds. I enjoy keeping an eye on DFA, because their strategies are based on academic research (there are a few Nobel laureates in the family) that all investors can learn from. The one downside [...]


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4-minute video: Matt shows humanity wants dancing, not 1%’s wars, lies, debt

Let’s be clear: current US-led wars are only possible by a 1% “leadership” in government and corporate media who blatantly violate war law, and then lie with whatever shifting BS they think will sell. War law is crystal-clear in letter … Continue reading

4-minute video: Matt shows humanity wants dancing, not 1%’s wars, lies, debt was originally published on Washington's Blog


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Microsoft Becomes Most Interesting Stock in the World

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Microsoft windows 8By Dana Blankenhorn

NEW YORK -- When I last wrote about Microsoft's (MSFT) Windows 8, I described its Metro user interface as "one interface to rule them all," because it can be adapted to PCs, tablets, phones, and even game machines.

I suggested it might do for Microsoft what Linux did for IBM (IBM): unify disparate product lines. But it turns out it's more than that. Metro is making Microsoft the most interesting stock in the world.

That's because, according to former Apple (AAPL) and Palm executive Michael Mace, this is the most important rollout Microsoft has had since Windows 3.0 more than 20 years ago, and an entire industry is on the line.

There are three possible outcomes:
  1. Microsoft wins and extends its desktop dominance into phones, online services, tablets and social networking.
  2. Microsoft loses, and becomes vulnerable to desktops using other operating systems such as Apple's Macs and Google's (GOOG) Chromebooks.
  3. Meh. Users resist upgrading, and we go on as we have been.
All three outcomes are possible, and investors don't know where to place their bets. Also, "meh" may be the worst outcome of all.

The main Metro screen will be filled with Microsoft products, Mace writes, and efforts by competitors to put their own brand identities on their "tiles," which replace icons, will tend to look shabby.

The old Start menu is disappearing -- users will be pressed to learn a new way of doing things. And forget about restarts -- even turning the thing off is going to be a trial.

It's true that the old Windows 7 interface will remain available, much as MS-DOS compatibility remained in Windows 3.0. (Don't remember DOS? Ask your dad.) But users, and developers, will be strongly pushed toward Metro. Either you like Metro or you don't.

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I was already a tech reporter when Windows 3.0 came out. Although a version of Windows had been out for four years, this was the first one that worked.

Windows 3.0 basically forced IBM out of the PC business, made Apple marginal for a decade, and gave us Microsoft Office, pushing out older application vendors like Lotus, WordPerfect and Ashton-Tate.

You can see a version of Metro on the Lumia 900, which Nokia(NOK_) is advertising with the tag line "the smart phone beta test is over!"

It's a funny ad, and stars former Saturday Night Live funnyman Chris Parnell, best known these days for playing Dr. Leo Spaceman (pronounced "speh-che-min"), a walking malpractice suit of supreme self-confidence, even self-delusion. (An interesting choice.)

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Why will "meh" be the worst possible outcome? Because it would leave Microsoft's biggest OEMs, Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) and Dell (DELL), vulnerable to Chinese competitors such as Lenovo that can better handle today's value pricing.

It would prevent these American companies from gaining a toehold in the tablet market. Something has to change, in other words, or Microsoft's whole ecosystem, including Nokia, goes down in flames.

Mace wrote in his blog post that he did a search comparing "I hate Windows 8" and "I love Windows 8."

Hate outran love by 3-1.

But my own Googlefight on those same two terms showed love outrunning hate by nearly 30-1, and a straight comparison of the terms on had love outrunning hate 15-1. (Mace later wrote to say he got it wrong.)

But we don't really know. Microsoft is doing a slow, controlled rollout, and the current view may be down to PR -- it may all be marketing hype. We won't know the result of all this until the fall, after the software is officially released.

Microsoft has been a sort of widows-and-orphans stock for a decade, bouncing between $25 and $30 a share. Those days are ending. It will either rise or fall with Metro. Which way will it go? Your guess is as good as mine.

At the time of publication, Blankenhorn held shares of Microsoft, Apple and Google.

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Why Futures and Options Expirations Won't Boost Wall Street

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With the pervasive investor uncertaintly, the so-called witching hour, a time when futures and options expire and investors usually make more trades, is unlikely to boost trading volumes Friday.The "quadruple witching" hour -- when index futures, index options, equity options and security futures expire simultaneously -- is traditionally a time of higher trading volumes and investors decide what to do next. But if the low trading volumes so far this week are any indication, the next quadruple witching hour, scheduled Friday, will likely pass with barely a bump.

The investor uncertainty that has characterized the market's choppy performance seems to be going strong. For the entire month of September, investors have behaved as if someone cast a spell rendering them unable to rally or retreat from stocks.

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The market has been stuck in a small trading range of between 1040 and 1130 on the S&P 500 ($SPX) index for the last four months. And there's been a lower-than-normal volume of stock and options trades as investors try to figure out which way the market might head next. Even the approaching quadruple witching hasn't been able to energize traders.

"We are at a point where the economic numbers are a little bit better, but they are not good enough to convince the buyers or sellers to take a stance with any kind of conviction," says Nate Peterson, senior derivatives analyst for Charles Schwab. "It's a market where you continue to wait and see. As the [reports] come out, you look for indicators that will give you a reason to buy, or to short the market."

Waiting for News

Options investors seem to be waiting for news and economic reports to help them reassess their positions before making trades, Peterson says. As a result, the average options volume in September has slipped to 15 million contracts per week from the 20 million contracts per week the market averaged through May.

That options volume may stay low until closer to October, when companies may begin making announcements in advance of the earnings season, Peterson says. Those announcements may then give investors better clues to where the market is headed. Unfortunately, while providing some clarity for investors, those announcements can also create higher market volatility.

"Right now VIX futures are around 25 - so traders are not pricing in a lot of volatility for October," Peterson says, referring to the Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility Index ($VIX), which measures the market's anticipated volatility based on the sale of S&P 500 index futures and options. Historically, volatility has usually grown during earnings seasons, and an increase in the market volatility index generally makes options and futures more expensive, so Friday may be traders' last chance to lock in positions before higher volatility -- and higher prices -- kicks in.

Leading up to the quadruple witching, some traders bought new options on Wednesday and Thursday, but it seems that most are waiting until next week to decide if they need options to protect their long positions. Those who choose to buy put options for that protection as earnings season approaches can likely get them cheap, relatively speaking, on Friday, Peterson says.

And getting cheaper protection would definitely take the hex out of quadruple witching.

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Beyond the numbers: do banks manage risk?

The models that banks use to measure their risk have come in for criticism since the financial crisis erupted and, again, have been highlighted by the recent JPMorgan losses.


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Is It Possible to Save Too Much for Retirement?

Saving for retirement

As you head into retirement, the most important decision to make is how much money to save.  You want to make sure that the amount is enough for how you'd like to spend your later years, without needing to worry so much about financial concerns.

But is there a limit as to how much you should be saving?  Can you save too much money for your retirement?  It's an interesting question, and one that can't be answered too quickly.  You'll ultimately need to decide for yourself, but here are a few factors to consider:

Factor #1:  You might have a tendency to put off until tomorrow what you could be doing today.

Life is short and if you don't take the time to enjoy it once in a while, it will be over before you know it, and all you'll be able to do is look back and wish you had done something different.  This means that if all you're doing is sticking a huge majority of your money into retirement, you could miss out on all the great things life has to offer.  Yes, you should be frugal and smart much of the time, but treating yourself to a nice trip or a new car every once in a while can do a lot to help you realize why you're saving in the first place.

Factor #2:  Each person desires a different lifestyle when they retire.

No two people are exactly alike.  Some will want to spend their retirement on the beaches of Cancun.  Others will prefer the leisurely days spent at a golf course in Florida.  Whether you choose one of these, or something entirely different, your intended lifestyle will partially determine how much you need to save.  And although some people may think that you're saving too much money, it really depends on your individual needs and how luxurious you want your retirement to be.

Factor #3:  At some point, your pace will probably slow down.

This is more relevant to the younger generation.  When you're young, you can save quite a bit if you're careful with your money, because your expenses will probably be a lot less than when you get older.  Years later, you'll probably need to worry about having a family, buying a house, and other such expenses.  So although you should try to enjoy life before having all of those responsibilities, if you save as much as you can when you're younger, you won't feel so much of a financial burden once you're older.

Factor #4:  You could leave yourself open to lawsuits or similar actions if you save too much.

Granted, this would only be true under very specific circumstances, but it has been known to happen.  Basically, you have two inidivduals with similar salaries and mortgage amounts.  The first person saves a large amouont of his salary, while the second person spends nearly every penny.  Due to falling house prices, the value of their homes are incredibly low, and both decide to walk away.  When the bank sees that the second individual has little in savings, they write off the loan, because going after him would be a waste of resources.  But since the second person has more than enough in savings to cover the loss, they decide to sue him for the difference.  Again, this is a rare scenario, but something similar could happen under the right circumstances.  Try not to get yourself into this kind of situation, especially if your savings are high.

To get a second opinion on your retirement plans, schedule your free, no-obligation appointment.


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Life’s BIG Financial Steps

Photo: Jezz The following is a guest post. If you’d like to contribute a guest post, please refer to this blog’s guest posting policy. When you set out on the road to financial success, nobody told you that it was … Continue reading


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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Banned McDonald’s Customer: I Didn’t Even Hit Employee With The Chicken Sandwich I Threw At Her

We've certainly read our fair share of stories about impromptu food fights brought on by angry customers and/or irritable employees, but usually the parties involved are somewhat contrite afterward. However, one woman in Ohio is outraged that she was banned from her area McDonald's eateries after she tossed her sandwich at a store staffer. The [...]


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How to avoid costly iPhone data roaming charges

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Recently the Los Angeles Times showcased a problem that more and more iPhone users are running into when they travel; expensive data roaming charges. The article profiles the plight of Nathan Oventhal to get a $550 data charge removed from his AT&T bill after his iPhone connected to the Internet while traveling in Paris.

According to Oventhal, when he turned his iPhone on in Paris he didn't make any calls or use the Internet; opting only to take some pictures, but when he got home he found a bill for 20 MB worth of data. In the States 20MB of data wouldn't make a difference, but the exchange rate for data use is incredibly high, which resulted in his $550 welcome home gift.

Continue reading How to avoid costly iPhone data roaming charges

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But I don’t like roller coasters! I like carousels.

What I feared has come upon me…  ~ Job
(JOB.  Coincidence?  I think not.)

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Debt crisis: as it happened - June 26, 2012

New proposals for a "banking union" pose a threat to London, proposals prepared for Friday's EU summit show, while Angela Merkel says there won't be shared debt in Europe "as long as I live".


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Critical Condition Pt 2

Bill Moyers Journal presents CRITICAL CONDITION, a film by Roger Weisberg that follows families fighting illness without health coverage. The families discover that being uninsured can cost them their jobs, health, homes, savings, and even their lives.


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What Not to Say to Co-Workers

what not to say to co-workers

What not to say to co-workers is a topic that I thought of several months ago when I was writing up a list of blog post ideas. I jotted down a bunch of points under the title but never turned them into a post because I thought it might be viewed as old fashion and out-of-date.

But today while having lunch I thought that it might be a fun post to write because it will be interesting to see which points people agree with and which they disagree with based on their experiences.

Obviously it is important to build strong working relationships with your co-workers no matter where you work. And building those strong relationships can take time. After putting all that effort into building good relationships with your fellow employees the last thing you want to do is to jeopardize any of those relationships by talking about the wrong things.

We all know that every work environment is different. While one person could be working in retail, another could be working as a chef, and still others could be working in corporate offices.

As well, what goes on in work environments these days is different then what was happening 20 years ago. Add to that the fact that what is frowned upon in one work environment may be fair game in another location.

Okay, here are some guidelines on what not to say to co-workers.

Intimate Relationships

Don’t talk about your intimate relationships. Don’t tell your co-workers about your sexual encounters with your significant other, or your best friend’s mother, or the new hot girl in accounting.


Don’t gossip. One of the things that happened over and over again in many of the corporate offices that I worked in was office gossip. Many people think that the best way to get to know their co-workers is through office gossip. I think they couldn’t be more wrong. You can quickly create a bad image of yourself by participating in gossip. While it may seem fun and harmless in the beginning, it can quickly create big problems. People hear you gossip and they remember that you like to gossip. Some even go so far as to form opinions around how good of an employee you are based on the gossip they hear you spreading versus the actual work that you get done.

Might be Pregnant - Might Not Be

Never ask a woman when she is due unless you are absolutely sure you are right.


Don’t talk about all the parties you attended on the weekend and how you drank gallons of beer and did drugs for 10 hours straight.

Personal Problems

Don’t whine about your personal problems on a regular and on-going basis. Everyone has stuff going on in their lives. While you may feel that some of your co-workers have become your best friends you never know what the future holds and how things can come back to haunt you until the first time it happens to you.


Don’t discuss your paycheck. This is typically a work place policy, but again every place is different. I would be quiet, just to be safe.


Don’t talk about your personal finances with your co-workers unless you work with financial advisors and it seems appropriate to discuss your personal finances with them.

Religion or Cultural Beliefs

Don’t talk about religious beliefs or different cultural beliefs. Work environments consist of different people from all over the world and it is important to keep that in mind when you speak. While your co-workers may smile or even laugh as you speak about different religions or different cultures, these things may actually make them feel quite uncomfortable.


Don’t vent to someone in your workplace about someone else in your workplace that you are having difficulties with. Again, some how, some way, it will come back to bite you in the ass. Trust me!


Don’t toss out negative jokes about management or other co-workers. Just because you think it is funny doesn’t mean anyone else does. While everyone may laugh at the time, they may just be laughing because they now feel uncomfortable around you.


Don’t swear at someone that you work with. While you may just be speaking to the person seated next to you, others may overhear you and may take offence.

Keep in mind that while many work environments can get quite stressful at times, for whatever reasons, talking about certain things and making co-workers feel uncomfortable will only add to the stress.

So did I miss any points on what not to say to co-workers? Again, I am interested in hearing your perspective of what should and shouldn’t be said based on your experiences in your present or past work environment.


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